Is it really an Independence day of India?

At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.

–  Jawaharlal Nehru, Ex-Prime Minister – 15th August 1947

Words of glory, rewards of perseverance, strength, and determination. After millions of volunteers and soldiers of freedom who, without any praise and reward, have served India even unto death, One man, on that holy and mystic midnight light, got a lifetime opportunity of delivering The Independence Speech, to us, the proud Indians.

What a period it was, and how India made a history out of it. Still, it seems like a fairy tale to me. But and indeed the united Indian made it, and gave us our freedom and home back, and asked only one thing from us, Justification of blood they shed, Love to people for they died, and construction of the nation they architect. But have we fulfilled any of these exceptions?

Well, justifying their blood is tough, but how about love to the people, rather our own brothers and sisters !!
Or constructing our own nation !! Are these things very difficult, or we are so naive to declare them as impossible.

Well let us not linger in the past, let us look into the present. What is going on today, incalculable rape cases, ill politics, high process of nation fracturing and least not the last – Deception to humanity.

“The achievement we celebrate today is but a step, an opening of opportunity, to the greater triumphs and achievements that await us. Are we brave enough and wise enough to grasp this opportunity and accept the challenge of the future? ” –  Jawaharlal Nehru, Ex-Prime Minister – 15th August, 1947

This is no quotation nor any question, or not just a part of his independence speech. This was also a silent challenge to us, to himself, to this great nation. Taking back our home, our nation from English people perhaps the most burdensome duty, but the crucial duty is to maintain our pride, our pride which we contemptuously announced at the stroke of that midnight hour.
Today again we stand on the day, which surely no Indian can forget, and this day without which no Indian can hope to call themselves as Indian. Today, 15th August, and as I recon it is the Independence day of India. But are we really independent, do we really carry the glory of independent India? This surely requires time and consideration. We have to think, realize and act to make every Indian a true proud Indian.

“Freedom was Achieved…but Awaken Life is still bleak..” – by Swami Souravananda

How long we will preserve the truth of this line once made by Swami Ji?
And how long we will take to announce ” this line is no other than a myth”?

But as of now, I am just planning the celebration keeping this heavy question in a corner (just like a normal proud Indian).
Wish you all a very happy independence day.

I hope you all find and enjoy your independence while you can!